Similar case for the Rigging side of things, but moreso for the sheer amount of plugins and scripts that exist for Maya. While I don't know exactly what data is different between Maya and Blender, I do know that sometimes the Animation data between the two don't translate perfectly, meaning "in house" animation software that companies like Pixar and Disney have been using for years cannot work with Blender, but are compatible with Maya. Allow me to elaborate, starting with the Animation side of things: Since Maya has been leading in the industry for so long, there is a lot of external pieces of Animation software that only function with Maya and it's specifications. I think it has to do merely with the amount of community support and tools that currently exist for smaller devs, and the fact that many professional pipelines currently are only set up to work with Maya. There is a lot of salt here in these comments, so I'll try to put my two cents out here.